Market Report Tuesday 13th August

A warm day in Leek with an increase in stock numbers. 1301 Sheep, 25 Daries, 144 Calves & 83 Pigs.

Barren cows were a sharp trade topping at 200p or £1350. More numbers required each week with buyers going home short on numbers.

Pigs look dear again with averages healthy well over 200p topping at 223p. Heavy pigs adding up nicely in the lump.

Daries sold to £2360 with a good demand on the day.

Lambs were once again a sharp trade topping at 361p for Reg Critchlow. Best meated lambs are well bid for at 320p Plus, unfinished types 270-300p.

Ewes less than last week’s flyer in line with the national trend topping at £256.

Calves sold on a solid trade with an army of buyers for all types. Top price £440 for Simmental Bulls.

Selling time – 10:00am
Auctioneer – Graham Watkins (07976 370894)
A sharp trade for barrens today with mainly black and whites forward. Overall average 173p or £1292, top price 200p for a 675kg Shorthorn from F D Horsford.

Sample Prices:
200p 675kg Shorthorn FD Horsford
196p 795kg Limousin GW D & JW Goodwin
193p 825kg Shorthorn GG Hall & Son
170p 890kg Friesian SJ Hooley
169p 645kg Friesian BE Wain

A few forward today with most going for further feeding, no big shapey cattle forward. Top price 239p or £1326 for a Hereford from AM&JE Kirby.

J Greatbach saw 209p for a Red Pol, N Gibbs 213p for a Holstein and 1196p for an Ayrshire from BE Wain.

PIGS (83)
Selling time – 9:15am
Auctioneer – Ed Groves (07964 510145)
A few less pigs on offer this week, pigs still a good trade, topping at 223p for fat pigs.

Cutters topped at 223p from B Minshull, J&B Fentem to 219p, 218p, 215p. PF+PD Parsons to 211p and 210p for boars.

Bacon pigs were in abundance selling to 221p four times for Massie Farms, who had others to 220p, 219p, 217p. PF+PD Parsons to 221p. B Minshull to 220p and 219p. J&B Fentem to 220p. NS Burgin, Dronfield to 218p for Boars. Distant traveller MA Gibbon, Preston to 218p.

Heavies were a solid trade topping at 201p for C Hine, B Minshull saw 198p, MA Gibbons saw 196p and 195p for 110kg and 112kg pigs. Top Headage £244 or 194p for C Hine for a 126kg Gilt.

Pig Averages.
Cutting Pigs (23) av 203.42p/kg or £160.88/head
Bacon Pigs (50) av 213.59p/kg or £197.61/head
Heavy Pigs (10) av 189.28p/kg or £222.97/head

Selling time – 11:30am
Auctioneers – Meg Elliott (07967 007049) & Mark Elliott (07973 673092)

A nice entry of milkers on Tuesday were very much in demand despite the ideal harvesting weather.

Trade did not quite hit the heady heights of previous weeks which probably reflected the quality forward however cows still topped at £2360 for a fresh second calver from the Broomhouse Herd of Messrs Easom with another to £2320.

A smart Swedish Red X heifer from Mick and Kay Hulse reached £2220, they also saw their second calver reach £2020.

Stuart Greenall of Tansley showed a sweet red and white heifer that reached £2140.

There is an excellent entry forward for the pedigree sale next week with nearly 60 milkers entered. Catalogues will be out shortly.

Selling time 11:00am
Auctioneer – Robert Watkins (07929 946652)
LAMBS (1105)
A bumper entry of lambs, with a very pleasing average achieved. Meat was the order of the day with well finished lambs attracting a strong premium, a good proportion of under finished types forward which are well bid for albeit at a lower price, with many going for further feeding.

Top price 361p for Reg Critchlow who another pen grossing £199.20.

Best meated types well over 320p up to 361p.

Sample Prices
312p 31kg P Nadin, Meerbrook
310p 31kg D Slaney, Freehay
320p 39kg JB Rowlinson, Gawsworth
314p 39kg Hames & Young, Loughborough
310p 37kg T Clowes, Rue Hill
361p 45kg R Critchlow, Grindon
351p 42kg JE Swindells, Leek
337p 43kg J Dumbleton, Bollington
355p 49kg R Critchlow, Grindon
351p 48kg D Williams, Basford
341p 52kg M Jones, Butterton
332p 60kg R Critchlow, Grindon
331p 54kg C E Bingham, Bakewell
270p 55kg Hames & Young, Loughborough

Overall average a pleasing 293.82p/kg

Similar numbers to last week, trade certainly less with averages back £25-£30 on the week after last week’s flyer, which is in line with other outlets nationally.

Top Price £256 for a Texel from Josh Philips, Winkhill. RA Harrison saw £250, Reg Critchlow to £220, R Bailey to £220 for a pen of 6.

Continental types £130-£150
Mules topped at £131, better mules £100-120, feeding types £75-90.
Hill types and feeders £50-£80.

Overall Average £108.28

CALVES (144)
Selling time – 10:00am
Auctioneer – Oliver Hiles (07801 530899)
Bigger and better numbers and the buyers were there ready to get stuck in at ever inflated prices.

51 Continental Bulls
Strong prices throughout with the best good to sell, the second quality calves looking best sold. Five over £400 with stronger Simmentals at £440 and blues at £405, with the best 10 over £370. Mediums £280 – £340 looking decent on the day. A few smaller calves under £200.
26 Blues Av. £261 to £405 DW+P Hulme
12 Lims Av. £293 to £370 JW Kirkham
10 Sims Av. £340 to £440 SJ Hooley
3 Char Av. £238 to £270 SJ Hooley

45 Continental Heifers
Good to sell with an army of buyers needing calves. Six better sorts over £300 with strong sorts to £395. Posh Lims to £340 and better blues to £305. Best £260+, Mediums £200-£240 with a few smaller types under £180.
23 Blues Av. £204 to £305 RT Clowes & Son
11 Sims Av. £236 to £395 SJ Hooley
9 Lims Av. £184 to £340 JW Kirkham

27 Natives
Very dear as ever at Leek
11 AA Av. £215 to £328 Halton Farms
3 Her Av. £196 to £265 HW Heath & Son
7 AA Av. £128 to £228 GR+D Hawkins
6 Her Av. £202 to £250 KW Powell

21 B+W Bulls
A few better Friesian types on offer, upto £180, £172 and £160 with the smaller bulls generally £40-£80 today

Catalogued Sale of Store & Breeding Cattle
Entries Close Friday 9th August
Catalogued Sale of Breeding Sheep
MV & Non MV Sections
Entries Close Friday 9th August
Catalogued Sale of Store & Breeding Cattle
Entries Close Friday 23rd August

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