16 Goats on offer at the monthly goat sale, prices remain very high for goats, many more could have been sold, More goats required !!
Top price from A Sayer, Hilderstone for a Boer Nanny realsing £200. A Nanny kid from the same home realised £170
G Goodwin, had two 12 month Boer Nannys to £170/head.
D Cooper had a Boer wether kid to £132 and a Boer nanny kid to £105.
D Fairbank had 2 Nanny Pygmy x goats to £70/head and 3 Weather Pygmy x kids to £32 /head
L Woodward had 2 billy kids to £50 and 3 wethers to £55/head
The next sale of Goats in on
Enteries invited for advertising
Please contact Ed Groves – 07964510145