There was a total entry of 5,378 store lambs and breeding sheep on offer with store lambs being generally slightly less than a fortnight ago, although the best quality well meated lambs were still a similar trade.
Store Lambs;
The top price of the day was £101 paid for a pen of Dorset lambs from Miss R Henshaw of Fairfield with Texel lambs from H Hallam of High Peak, Birch Vale up to £100 with lambs from the Hudson Family of Wetton Mill up to £99, £99 also for a pen of Texel’s from Michael Needham Family of Ipstones, £98.50 from W E Turnock & Sons of Onecote, £98 from Stuart Mycock of Warslow with several other pens making in excess of £90 a head.
Aberfield lambs from Robert Belfield of Upper Hulme topped at £85 with Hampshire lambs from Miss Izzy Klucznik of Ipstones Edge up to £86.50. Suffolk lambs from K Stuart & Sons of Sheffield up to £85.50, £85 from Alan Maynard of Summer Close Farm, £85 also from K Stuart & Sons and £81.50 from Ross Worthington of Edale.
There were not many strong Mule Wether lambs on offer this week with the top price being £65.50 for a pen from David Torr of Ilam with others from the White Family of Sheffield at £64.
The average overall for store lambs was a satisfactory £70.28.
Breeding Section;
Rams topped at £150 for Texel shearling rams from Neil Brocklehurst with others at £140 and £130 with ram lambs from C E Burgess of Biddulph Park up to £190 for Charollais and £200 for a Texel from F Swindells of Bosley.
Ewe lambs topped at £155 for Texels from F Swindells of Bosley with In lamb Texel ewes being 2 to 3 year old selling up to £125.
Next Sale – Saturday 14th January
To Include Derbyshire Texel Diamond Sale of In-Lamb Females