Dairy Report 6th October

Dairies (116);

Selling time – 11:30am
Auctioneers – Meg Elliott (07967 007049) & Mark Elliott (07973 673092)
**DAIRIES TO £2500**

A phenomenal trade for the best end in the dairies at Leek which also saw a better trade for all qualities overall.

Two families, the Easoms and the Mellors each showed an outstanding group of cows and heifers that were much admired by all purchasers. The decision to sell such quality was justly rewarded for both vendors with the Easoms seeing their second calver reach £2500 and the Mellors their second calver to £2460. The Easoms also had another second calver to £2340 with the Mellors seeing a fourth calver to £2300.

Two heifers reached £2000, the first from Michael Wainwright with his 28kg heifer and the second Ray Turner of Rownall.
In-calf heifers from Shirley & Boam reached £1610.
The herd dispersal on behalf of Leasow Partners at £1700 with the Limousin Stock Bull from the same home reaching £1980.

Youngstock were a solid trade with bulling heifers to £830 and yearlings up to £730.
Entries are invited for the pedigree sale in a fortnight which also includes the Shorthorn Society Show and Sale. Please get in touch if you have any entries.

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