Dairy Report Tuesday 16th February

Selling time – 11:30am
Auctioneers – Meg Elliott (07967 007049) & Mark Elliott (07973 673092)


A very buoyant trade for dairies on Tuesday saw an outstanding commercial heifer from Brian Needham of Heaton top the day at £2400.

The Pedigree section saw John Stone of Onecote top for a second month in a row at £2280 for a 34kg heifer from Ekkel Singstar. Suttons of Astbury saw their 32kg Masterful heifer reach £2160. Andrew Bunting of Bakewell was close behind at £2120.

Cows peaked at £1900 for a third calver from the Mellor’s of Braemarhouse with a second calver from Richard Thompson of Sudbury at £1840.

Young calves were a lovely trade topping at £390.

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