There was certainly something for everybody in the dairy shed on Tuesday both in the variation of breeds on offer along with the various categories of dairies alongside the milkers which included In-calf heifers, bullers, yearlings and calves.
The day started with two lovely Dairy Shorthorn calves from the Broadlane herd of Gary Norbury which reached £310 and £260 respectively.
Milkers were a solid trade with trade topping at £2300 for a really stylish ABS Theory daughter from the Alsopdale herd of Andrew and Joanna Bunting.
Andrew Weston of Litton saw his Goodwhone daughter make £2130 and Andrew Broadley of New Haven watched his red and white heifer reach £2000. Plenty of others were in the £1800-£2000 bracket.
Another entry of youngstock from the Havendale Herd of the Flower family were much sought after with 8 month old heifers to £660 and calves to £580.
A beauty of a Hereford Bull from Geoff Goodwin of Wetley Rocks reached £1900.