Market Report 19th July

The hottest day on record for the UK meant a quieter sale at Leek, with many farmers deciding to stay at home this week. However, we did see good numbers forward for the Pedigree Dairy Sale and also in the Sheep section.

Dairies topped at £2500 for heifers from the Wainwrights, Dowlow who also sold another at £2300. Many milkers selling over £1950.

A firm trade for lambs seeing prices up to 327p/kg and average of 290p/kg overall with more required each week. Cull ewes in strong demand, with the best to £158.

A small entry of barrens selling up to 185p/kg or £1210.40. Hereford steers sold up to 216p/kg.

Pigs sold very well, topping at 188p/kg for both cutters & bacon pigs.

Calves continue to sell well, with best Blue bulls up to £352 and heifers to £260 for both Limousin’s & Blues.

Selling time – 10:00am
Auctioneer – Graham Watkins (07976 370894)
A very small entry due to the heat with a top price of 185p/kg for a 630kg Montbeliarde from G E Smith, Ashbourne and 178p/kg for a 680kg Friesian from J & W Knight. 165p/kg for a 685kg Holstein from J & R Maydew.

Other black & whites generally 115p – 130p/kg.

Top headage price of £1210.40 for the Friesian from J & W Knight with Montbeliardes to £1165.50 & Holsteins to £1130.25.

Two Hereford steers sold up to 216p/kg for a 610kg steer from J S Hine, Biddulph Park who also sold a 570kg steer for 209p/kg.

Selling time – 11:30am
Auctioneers – Meg Elliott (07967 007049) & Mark Elliott (07973 673092)
Trade for dairies was as hot as weather with very few vendors or buyers deterred by the blistering heat.

All qualities and breeds were keenly sought after with a powerful heifer from Michael Wainwright of Buxton topping the day at £2500 with a second from the same home reaching £2300 both purchased by John Moss of Rushton.

A powerful red and white Holstein from the Broadley family of New Haven reached £2320. She went to Andrew Hulme of Basford.

As a whole quality was lacking however despite this numerous animals were £1900+.

Calves were also in demand peaking at £400 and £390 from Eric and Reubin Moss.

Numerous Herd Dispersals are booked right through August. Please see the below for the full line up.

PIGS (36);
Selling time – 9:15am
Auctioneer – Graham Watkins (07976 370894).
A small entry due to the heat with the main entry coming from J & B Fentem who sold to a top price of 188p/kg for a 80kg pig with other cutters to 186p x2, 185p/kg and 163p/kg. Bacon pigs topped at 188p/kg for 89kg pig with other bacon pigs at 181p/kg, 169p/kg, 168p/kg x2, 166p/kg etc.

B Minshull, Buxton sold bacon pigs to 166p/kg for a 96kg pig and 165p/kg for a trio of 89kg pigs.

Cull sows sold up to 83p/kg for a 224kg sow from Bernard Minshull, 76p/kg for a 264kg sow from G R Worsey and 68p/kg for a 157kg sow from A J Lomas.

Pork Pigs (1); av 160p/kg or £118.40/head
Cutting Pigs (14); av 174.04p/kg or £140.97/head
Bacon Pigs (17); av 168.51p/kg or £156.91/head
Heavy Pigs (1); av 149p/kg or £168.37/head
Cull Sows (3); av 76.48p/kg or £164.44/head

Selling time 11:00am
Auctioneer – Robert Watkins (07929 946652)
A modest entry due to the weather conditions met a much firmer trade than predicted with best meated lambs and heavy lambs being very good to sell and many many more required.

Best sorts seeing very strong bidding topping at 327p/kg with numerous pens at 30p and above. Heavy lambs topping at £158.46/head and averaging £137/head.

Overall average a very respectable 290p/kg, well in front of some other outlets on the same day.

Sample prices;
316p 34.6kg J Dumbleton, Bollington
314p 37kg AW & RA Mycock, Flagg
324p 39.2kg Renshaw & Brassington, Church
321p 40.8kg DJ & P Smith, Rushton Spencer
318p 44.5kg E A Sessions & Sons, Dalbury Lees
317p 40kg AW & RA Mycock, Flagg
314p 45.2kg J H Mellor, Nantwich
327p 46.7kg DJ & P Smith, Rushton Spencer

A few more forward but still insufficient for the orders seeing a very strong trade. Best to £158, but a real shortage of best quality Texel’s.

Overall average £105/head.

CALVES (62);
Selling time – 10:00am
Auctioneer – Oliver Hiles (07801 530899)
A moderate entry which was good on the day and enabled us to use all the pens to keep the shed & calves as cool as possible.

20 Continental Bulls
Trade was similar with a few less buyers about. Better sorts still comfortably over £300 with a top of £352 for Messrs Clowes who had others at £340 & £325. Medium calves £270 – £300 with a few smaller calves less.
16 Blues av £231 to £352 – R & T Clowes & Son
3 Lims av £267 to £280 – N E Goodwin & Son

15 Continental Heifers
A similar story to the bulls. Posh Blues sold to £260 with Limousin’s at the same money with the top 4 over £250.
9 Blues av £121 to £260 – FA & TM Cotton
4 Sims av £148 to £190 – Woodward Partners
2 Lims av £232 to £260 – J, C & D Hudson

14 Angus
7 Bulls av £113 to £202 – CS & J Prince
7 Heifers av £118 to £220 – EJ & VC Gilman

7 Black & White Bulls
Holsteins to £102 the majority £28 – £50.

Dispersal Sale of 67 Holstein Friesians & Jersey X (Many Red & White) comp 59 Milkers & 8 In-calf Heifers. Cubicles & Abreast Parlour. Vacc Lepto, BVD & IBR & Johnes monitored. Av June Bulk Sample: 4.52%F 3.48%P cc91.
Dispersal Sale of 56 Dairy Shorthorns & Holstein Friesians on behalf of Colin Jackson & Sons, Woodside Farm, Butley, Macclesfield, Cheshire.
Sale of Store & Breeding Cattle
Entries Close Friday 29th July
Next Sale: Saturday 27th August
Breeding Sheep Sale – 11am
MV & Non-MV Sections
Entries Close Friday 29th July
Dispersal sale of the highly respected ALSOPDALE Herd (210 Head) on behalf of A & J M Bunting, Melbourne Farm, Bakewell, Derbyshire.
Monthly Pedigree Sale. Entries Invited.
Dispersal sale of the Entire Herd of approx. 120 mainly Montbeliardes on behalf of F & E M Buxton & Partners, Woodeaves Farm, Barlaston, Staffs.

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