A busy Tuesday with a good show of sheep this week, with 620 hogget’s forward selling on a fast trade up to 327p/kg and £148.96 per head to average 271.51p/kg. Cull ewes still a strong trade with the best to £189 per head.
Dairies sold on a buoyant trade with some nice quality forward, selling up to £2120 for heifers with milkers generally £1700 – £1900.
Barrens sold on a solid trade again this week, with a top price of 149p/kg or £1227.60. Clean topped at 245p/kg for a Limousin heifer.
Less calves forward but sold a strong enquiry again, with the best Blue Bull calves to £415.
No improvement in the pig section this week with prices mainly 75 – 95p/kg, topping at 104p/kg for Bacon pigs.
Selling time – 10:00am
Auctioneer – Graham Watkins (07976 370894)
A good trade this Tuesday with a top price of 149p/kg for a 500kg Hereford from D & EA Jeffrey, with a 765kg Simmental cow realising 147p/kg for N & K Goddard. A 495kg Limousin sold for 139p/kg for H G Nutter, Grindon and a 565kg Shorthorn cow selling for 138p/kg for WA & KP Bailey, Rushton.
A 490kg Ayrshire sold at 127p/kg from D & JK Mellor, Onecote and a 990kg Holstein cow sold for 124p/kg from DJ & KL Leadbetter. A 685kg Holstein sold for 122p/kg from P N Holdcroft and a 620kg Shorthorn realising 121p/kg for D Burton, Rough Close. Overall average of 111.17p/kg or £702.75.
Top headage price of £1227.60 for the 990kg Holstein from DJ & KL Leadbetter, with Simmentals to £1124.55 and other Holsteins at £879.20 and £836.20.
Selling time – 10:45am approx.
Auctioneer – Graham Watkins (07976 370894)
A small entry sold up to 245p/kg for a 535kg Limousin heifer from D Edgecox, Onecote to gross £1310.75. A 665kg Aberdeen Angus heifer sold for 215p/kg to gross £1429.75.
Selling time – 11:30am
Auctioneers – Meg Elliott (07967 007049) & Mark Elliott (07973 673092)
A buoyant trade for the quality forward saw a November calved heifer from the Shepherd family of Bakewell reach £2120 to John Moss of Rushton Spencer.
Andrew Mills of Ratcliffe on Wreake saw his heifer reach £2080 to Ed Clowes of Kingsley.
Numerous other heifers were in the £1700 – £1900 mark.
More needed to satisfy the demand, get in touch!
PIGS (125);
Selling time – 9:15am
Auctioneer – Graham Watkins (07976 370894)
A drop in averages again this week. Pork pigs sold to 98p/kg for 74kg pigs from J & B Fentem who also sold others at 95p and 84p.
Cutters sold up to 97p/kg for 82kg pigs from J & B Fentem and 75kg pigs at 88p/kg. A pair of 79kg pigs realised 84p/kg for R & L Vernon, Rocester.
Bacon pigs topped at 104p/kg for 86kg pigs from David Goldstraw, Meerbrook, with a pair of 91kg pigs at 99p/kg for PF & PD Parsons, 98p/kg for a 86kg pig from R & L Vernon, 96p for a 92kg pig from R T Wilson, Oldham, and 96p/kg for 88kg pigs from the Fentems.
Havey pigs sold up to 88p/kg twice for 121kg and 107kg pigs from TR T Wilson who sold others at 87p/kg, 82p/kg.
Cull sows sold up to 53p/kg for a 278kg sow from JW & B Bennett and also for a 237kg sow from Ray Rowlinson. Bernard Minshull sold sows for 50p/kg twice and 49p/kg for a 264kg sow from L Lane, Risley.
Pork Pigs (12); av 87.24p/kg or £63.18/head
Cutting Pigs (10); av 89.23p/kg or £79.84/head
Bacon Pigs (80); av 84.02p/kg or £79.84/head
Heavy Pigs (16) ; av 81.20p/kg or £89.05/head
Cull Sows (6); av 42.94p/kg or £92.04/head
Selling time 11:00am
Auctioneer – Robert Watkins (07929 946652)
A seasonal entry selling on a much firmer trade than expected with trad elsewhere ‘losing its edge’.
Best lambs a very solid enquiry topping at 327p/kg and plenty at 300p and better. More of the best types required every week with some buyers unable to secure the required numbers.
Big lambs not as fast as we have been used to, but better than last week generally. Topping at £148.96 and 45kg and above averaging £130/head.
Overall average of 271p/kg or £114 per head.
Sample prices;
310p 38kg AW & RA Mycock, Flagg
304p 38.2kg A Trigg, Longsdon
304p 37.5kg H Hodgkinson & Sons, Earl Sterndale
327p 44.5kg R & S Bailey, Cloudside
316p 41.5kg R M Brown, Castleton
314p 39.2kg J H Mellor, Nantwich
311p 44.3kg GH & M Torr, Bradnop
310p 39.7kg H Hodgkinson & Sons, Earl Sterndale
310p 40.2kg A J Gilman, Elkstones
305p 45.8kg R & S Bailey, Cloudside
291p 47.1kg R & S Bailey, Cloudside
266p 56kg DH & J Lovatt, Rushton Spencer
A reasonable entry selling on a fast trade. Best ewes in extreme demand, topping at £189 from Mr Wardlaw of Astbury, with £180 for Callum Banks. Best Texel ewes generally £150 plus.
Best Mules at £118/head, best Suffolks to £142 and very strong Rough Fells at £102.
Overall average £102/head.
CALVES (97);
Selling time – 10:00am
Auctioneer – Oliver Hiles (07801 530899)
Less on offer and an improved trade for all.
37 Continental Bulls
The best are good to sell as always with some smart Blue bulls on offer. Medium calves still good to buy, particularly with the price of store cattle at present. Bulls today topped at £415 for a smart young Blue from the Swindell family, Chelmorton with another trio of Blues over £370 for 3 vendors. 12 bulls over £300; mediums £220 – £280 look handy money.
27 Blues av £256 to £415 – PA & J Swindell
3 Sims av £232 to £310 – EB & BM Sutton
7 Lims av £246 to £355 – R G Emmott
19 Continental Heifers
Probably a little better money with a good team of buyers all competing well for the quality on offer. A smart Blue traded at £272 for G R Stubbs, Enson with 5 others over £220. Mediums heifers £150 – £200.
13 Blues av £176 to £272 – G R Stubbs
6 Lims av £180 to £252 – R G Emmott
31 Natives
Still good to sell as always.
10 AA Bulls av £184 to £235 – S & J Ryder
3 Here Bulls av £175 to £220 – T Swinson & Partners
3 Here Heifers av £123 to £155 – G R Spink
15 AA Heifers av £96 to £172 – S & J Ryder
10 Black & White Bulls
No best but rearer’s strong Shorthorns sold at £140 with better Holsteins at £94. Smaller bulls generally £30 – £60.
Sale of 420 Store & Breeding Cattle
Catalogues Available Online
Next Sale – Saturday 12th February
Catalogued Sale of & Breeding Sheep
Including In-Lamb Sheep
Entries Close Friday 28th January
********************************************* SATURDAY 12TH FEBRUARY
Sale of Store & Breeding Pigs – 10.30am
Sale of Store & Breeding Goats – 11am
News From The Farming Life Centre
We will be hosting a Business Workshop with Ed Lawley of Bagshaws LLP on Thursday 3rd February at 7pm at The George at Tideswell. The event is free to attend, supper provided. Please get in touch if you would like to attend.
Call us on 01629 810 903 or 07483 373435 or email: info@thefarminglifecentre.org.uk. For more information about The Farming Life Centre visit our website: thefarminglifecentre.org.uk or find us on Facebook or Instagram.