Finally, a dry day after the wet weekend and farmers turning out in numbers for todays market. An exceptional trade seen in the sheep shed with lambs easily 25-30p above last week, and topping at 318p/kg or £158.13. Culls also as dear up to £141. Keep numbers coming!!
Barren cattle sold up to 149p/kg for a Limousin and others to 142p/kg, to top at £1093.40. Clean cattle in short supply with a Limousin heifer at 480kg realising 216p/kg.
A full shed of pigs this week, and trade a little less, but the best cutting pigs up to 130p/kg and bacon pigs to 128p/kg.
A mixed quality of dairy cattle this week, and a top price of £1590 for a fresh heifer and Jerseys to £1400.
An excellent trade for calves this week and a mixed entry topped at £450 for a strong Blue bull calf and heifers to £280.
Selling time – 10:00am
Auctioneer – Graham Watkins (07976 370894)
A good number forward selling on a decent trade. Top price of 149p/kg for a 700kg Limousin from T & T Goodwin, Wetley Rocks. A 770kg Hereford made 142p/kg for Julie Mees, Stone and a 660kg Simmental cow made 138p/kg for Messrs Day, Blackshaw Moor.
Holsteins topped at 137p/kg for a 685kg cow from D I Ball & Son, Sandbach, and a 770kg Friesian at 133p/kg for J W Brandrick & Son, Beamhurst.
Other prices include;
128p 745kg Fleckveih – RG & AS Williamson
128p 800kg Fleckveih – RG & AS Williamson
127p 710kg Hereford – E T Simpson
126p 645kg British Blue – T & T Goodwin
124p 710kg Hereford – E T Simpson
124p 625kg Holstein – W J Sessions & Son
124p 800kg Friesian – WG & J Clark, Bradnop
Overall average of 105.31p/kg or £705.46 per head.
Top headage price of £1093.40 for the Hereford from Julie Mees, with Limousins to £1043 and Friesians to £1024.10 and £992.
Two overage steers sold to 180p/kg for a 540kg Hereford and 162p/kg for a 665kg British Blue from M Unwin, Horton.
Selling time – 10:45am approx.
Auctioneer – Graham Watkins (07976 370894)
A small entry forward topping at 216p/kg for a 480kg Limousin from Chris Barnsley, Morridge.
Steers topped at 210p/kg twice for a 640kg Simmental and a 655kg Limousin, both from Rushton Spencer. A 615kg Aberdeen Angus realised 188p/kg for C Blockley, Altrincham.
Top headage price of £1375.50 and £1344 for steers, and heifers to £1036.80.
Selling time – 11:30am
Auctioneers – Meg Elliott (07967 007049) & Mark Elliott (07973 673092)
A very mixed quality was reflected in the trade with a fresh heifers from Messrs Broadley of Hartington topping the day at £1590.
However, what look to be the dearest animal sold on the day was a very pretty fresh Jersey heifer from Messrs Phillips of Winkhill which reached £1400.
Preparations are well underway for the Pedigree Christmas Show & Sale with the next Pedigree sale being on Tuesday 16th November.
PIGS (174);
Selling time – 9:15am
Auctioneer – Graham Watkins (07976 370894)
A bumper entry of pigs which impacted trade slightly but still selling well on the day. Pork pigs sold up to 120p/kg for 75kg pigs from J & B Fentem, with 73.5kg pigs at 97p/kg for S Proctor and 74kg pigs at 90p/kg for Dunstall Estate.
Cutting pigs sold to 130p/kg for a pair of 83kg pigs from J & B Fentem, with 80.5kg pigs at 128p/kg for R & L Vernon, who also sold 82kg pigs at 127p/kg. A 97kg pig made 119p/kg for J & B Fentem, and a 81kg pig at 118p/kg for JA & B Minshull, and a pen of 85kg pigs at 116p/kg for Massie Farms, Stafford.
Bacon pigs sold up to 128p/kg for a 104kg pig from ME & EA Beattie, Allostock who also sold a 98kg pig at 124p/kg and a pair of 95kg pigs at 124p/kg. 97kg pigs made 120p/kg for PF & PD Parsons, with 91kg pigs at 117p/kg for Massie Farms, Stafford.
Heavy pigs topped at 124p/kg for a pair of 105kg pigs from PF & PD Parsons, who also sold 122kg pigs at 123p/kg and 115kg pigs at 120p/kg. a 108kg pig realised 120p/kg for J & B Fentem, with a run of pigs from W Rigby & Son, Chinley at 107p/kg, 105p/kg and 102p/kg.
Sows sold up to 70p/kg for a 152kg sow from JA & B Minshull who also sold a 189kg sow for 63p/kg. W Rigby & Son sold sows at 57p/kg and 56p/kg with a 302kg sow at 54p/kg for MC & EA Beattie and a 260kg sow at 54p/kg for L & S Lane.
Pork Pigs (20); av 94.76p/kg or £70.27/head
Cutting Pigs (33); av 112.44p/kg or £91.73/head
Bacon Pigs (63); av 97.02p/kg or £91.63/head
Heavy Pigs (44); av 100.89p/kg or £115.66/head
Cull Sows (13); av 51.34p/kg or £135.21/head
Selling time 11:00am
Auctioneer – Robert Watkins (07929 946652)
A disappointing entry in terms of number but excellent quality on offer generally seeing a spectacular trade from start to finish. Double the quantity could have been sold with a number of regular orders unable to get started.
Best flying away to 318p/kg and a good number of pens at 290p – 310/kg with some lambs 30p up on the week. Heavy lambs continue to be in shorth supply with a real premium for best shaped lambs at 48kg and above. More Required!! Top headage price of £158.13.
Average today or 264p/kg or £110/head.
Sample prices;
296p 39kg M Lancaster, Congleton
296p 38kg D V Holland, Blore
294p 35kg M Jones, Rudyard
318p 41kg L E Shaw, Sturston
312p 39.2kg E J Carney, Wolseley Bridge
306p 40.2kg E J Carney, Wolseley Bridge
299p 44.2kg WHI Mellor, Stockport
296p 40.4kg A J Gilman, Elkstones
278p 48kg A G Tomkinson, Thorpe
278p 47kg A W Wilshaw, Meerbrook
265p 55kg A G Tomkinson, Thorpe
251p 63kg K E Grocott, Leigh
Another big entry and a pleasure to sell with a strong trade throughout and new orders in operation.
Best ewes selling to £141 for Texel’s from Reg Critchlow. A shortage of very best Texel’s today. Can you help next week?? Mules better to sell topped at £110 for heavy sorts and generally £85 – £95 for good meated sorts.
Best Rams to £175 for Texel’s but a shortage of good meated rams for the regular jobs.
Ewes averaged £84, Rams £124.90.
Please keep numbers coming!
CALVES (117);
Selling time – 10:00am
Auctioneer – Oliver Hiles (07801 530899)
A few less on offer and a similar big gathering of buyers led to a super trade throughout.
42 Continental Bulls av £280.45
A good average for the calves on offer with just a few best and plenty of smaller bulls about. A tremendous 2 month old Blue from Mark Hodgkinson sold at £450 with fresh bulls to £400 for Messrs Wilkson, Gt Budworth. 11 best over £335; Mediums £260 – £310 with smaller bulls under £250.
31 Blues av £284 to £450 – H Hodgkinson & Sons
5 Sims av £264 to £380 – JJ & PN Holdcroft
5 Lims av £254 to £370 – N E Goodwin & Son
1 Char to £382 – D & G Tudor
39 Continental Heifers av £199.35
Again, a super average with numerous bidders for the best and the second grade calves. 14 better heifers topped £240 and a trio of Blues at £280 for P J Taylor, Andrew Hulme and Richard Emmott. Mediums £190 – £220 with smaller heifers a little less.
28 Blues av £205 to £280 – 3 Vendors
5 Sims av £227 to £275 – JJ & PN Holdcroft
6 Lims av £149 to £245 – N E Goodwin & Son
18 Natives
Less on offer but no less trade.
3 Hereford Bulls av £158 to £190 – P T Beswick
5 AA Bulls av £139 to £235 – M Holmes & Sons
9 AA Heifers av £82 to £150 – J S Harrison
14 Black & White Bulls av £69
A superb Monty made £265 with rearing Black & White’s £70 – £90 and smaller bulls £30 – £50.
Catalogued Sale Store & Breeding Sheep
Entries Close Friday 5th November
Next Sale – Saturday 27th November
Sale of 553 Store & Breeding Cattle
Catalogues Available Online
Next Sale – Saturday 20th November
Sale of Store & Breeding Pigs – 10.30am
Sale of Store & Breeding Goats – 11am
Entries for Both Sales are Online
Farm for the future – welcome meetings: Find out more about the ‘Farm for the Future’ programme at one of our welcome meetings. There will be an opportunity to meet with other farmers and learn more about the support we can offer you.
Join us on Thursday 4th November at The Farmers Feast Cafe, Bakewell Agricultural Centre at 7pm. Pies, peas and a pint provided.
Or log into our welcome meeting via Zoom on Wednesday 10th November at 7pm. Link to be provided.
Booking is essential, please email us at or call 01629 810903.
The Farming Life Centre will be working with DEFRA and the Prince’s Countryside Fund to deliver a FREE programme of support to help you prepare your farm for the upcoming changes. Sign up by calling 01629 810903 or email Participants will receive one-to-one support, an environment workshop, a business workshop plus additional events and resources.