A busy Tuesday with 328 cattle and 1279 sheep forward, and a good trade in all sections.
Selling time – 10:00am
Auctioneer – Graham Watkins (07976 370894)
A strong trade throughout, seeing a top price of 207p/kg for a 515kg Hereford from T G Adams & Son, Calwich. Hoslteins sold up to 203p/kg for a 705kg cow from R Cooper & Son Ltd, Church Lawton, and a 780kg Hosltein realise 199p/kg for RJ & DJ Clement, who also sold a 765kg Shorthorn at 195p/kg, 615kg Aryshire at 184p/kg and a 670kg Friesian at 181p/kg.
Other top prices include;
181p 670kg Friesian – RJ & DJ Clement, Norton
180p 785kg Holstein – R J Clowes & Sons, Kingsley
166p 560kg Sweidsh Red – T G Adams & Son, Calwich
166p 645kg Shorthorn – RJ & DJ Clement, Norton
Overall average of 150p/kg or £831.33/head.
Top headage prices of £1552.20. £1431.15 & £1413 for Holsteins, Shorthorns to £1491.75 and Herefords to £1066.05.
A very smart 525kg Limounsin heifer sold for 310p/kg from R P Hall, Heaton, to gross £1627.50.
DAIRIES (126);
Selling time – 11:30am
Auctioneers – Meg Elliott (07967 007049) & Mark Elliott (07973 673092)
A really bouncy trade for all qualities today saw a top price of £2360 for a 32kg heifer shown by Trevor & Pat Swinson of Caverswall. Close behind at £2280 was a smart heifer from the Phillips family of Winkhill to A Neville of Matlock who also went on to take another at £2220 from Ruth Millington of Byley.
Cows topped at £2100 for a second calver from Messrs Darwin of Oxspring.
The herd sale on behalf of the Gosling family of Parwich met a strong trade topped at £1980 for a second calver.
Next week we have a fantastic entry in the Pedigree sale including a special entry of 60 from D N Carter & Co of Rugby which are all heifers and second calvers and fresh, a really stylish group that are most worthy of inspection.
PIGS (117);
Selling time – 9:15am
Auctioneer –Ed Groves (07964 510145)
A few less pigs on offer this week. A strong trade topping at 212p/kg for 88kg gilts from D B Goldstraw, Meerbrook. Sows were in demand topping at 60p/kg (x5) for D J Pope.
Cutters in demand topping at 200p/kg for 81kg pigs from J & B Fentem, Alsop en le Dale. Others from the same home realised 199p/kg twice for 82kg pigs and JA & B Minshull, Buxton saw 183p/kg for 85kg pigs.
Trade of fire for bacon pigs topping at 212p/kg for 86kg pigs from David Goldstraw, Meerbrook. Several pens over the 200p/kg mark. JE & B Minshull saw 211p/kg for 90kg gilts. Massie Farms, Stafford had a run at 209p/kg, 206p/kg (x3) and 203p/kg.
Heavy pigs topped at 171p/kg for a 105kg pig from PF & PD Parsons, Whitchurch. 118kg pigs from Roston Farms realised 152p/kg.
Sows sold to 60p/kg (x5) for D J Pope and 52p/kg, for meated sorts.
Pig Averages.
Cutting Pigs (24); av 162.99p/kg or £130.13/head
Bacon Pigs (83); av 177.02p/kg or £164.84/head
Heavy Pigs (4); av 134.75p/kg or £159.68/head
Cull Sows (6); av. 48.96p/kg or £96.65/head
Selling time 11:00am
Auctioneer – Robert Watkins (07929 946652)
HOGGETS (878);
Another strong entry and something for everyone and come for everything!
Two tier quality as is expected this time of year, but all types significantly firmer on the week. Probably in balance the commercial types saw the biggest lift on the week, but also many more lots at 270p/kg and better throughout the sale.
Best selling at 297p/kg and £159.60/head for heavies. Many more best shaped and meated lambs could be sold to the vendors advantage each week.
SQQ average of 253.29p/kg and 248.72p/kg overall!
Sample prices;
246p 29.8kg B Shaw, Parwich
284p 35.7kg G & A Peach, Clifton
282p 39kg T R Lomas, North Rode
280p 38.3kg CC & W Harding, Newchapel
276p 36.8kg S J Pace & Co, Congleton
275p 35.8kg S J Pace & Co, Congleton
296p 42kg R & S Bailey, Cloudside
291p 41kg R & S Bailey, Cloudside
290p 41kg GH & M Torr, Bradnop
290p 42kg R & S Bailey, Cloudside
290p 45.5kg J Gilman & Partners, Bosley
297p 46.2kg R & S Bailey, Cloudside
285p 56kg R J Leigh, Dilhorne
Strong numbers keep coming and strong trades keep occurring. Best Texel’s to £185/head from Mr Read of Uttoxeter and 4 different lots from 4 vendors at £180 plus. Stronger Mules at £100 – £110 but leaner sorts harder to place.
Best Rams to £164 for Texel’s.
Overall average a solid £105/head.
CALVES (172);
Selling time – 10:00am
Auctioneer – Oliver Hiles (07801 530899)
A bigger turnout of calves and extra buyers stood at the ringside led to a superb trade throughout for the offering.
43 Continental Bulls
A good trade with the best as always good to sell but a better price for the second quality bulls today. 5 very best sorts sold over £375 including a trio over £400 with a posh British Blue from Andy Williamson at £450 and Andrew Hulme at £425 and £410. 12 good bulls over £285; mediums £190 – £250 with smaller bulls under £200 but look better sold on the day.
24 Blues av £252 to £450 – RG & AS Williamson
10 Sims av £243 to £335 – H & E Bailey & Partners
7 Lims av £182 to £210 – G R Spink
38 Continental Heifers
Again, better sold on the week with extra spring rearing men starting to appear. Andrew Hulme had a posh Blue at £305 with the best 10 heifers over £220. Mediums £140 – £180 with smaller sorts either side of £100.
25 Blues av £143 to £305 – DW & P Hulme
6 Sims av £163 to £260 – TD & DA Higginson
7 Lims av £161 to £285 – F W Whittaker & Sons
50 Natives
Two runs of Angus’ from spring block calves boosted the numbers.
22 Angus Bulls av £115 to £240 – F E Whittaker & Sons
6 Hereford Heifers av £115 to £185 – Foker Grange Farm
20 Angus Heifers to £190 – K W Twemlow & Co
36 Black & White Bulls
Monty sold to £155; Shorthorns to £168 with the majority of the Holsteins £12 – £40.
4 Reared Blue Heifers
At 6 – 7 months looked well sold at £350 each.
Sale of Store & Breeding Cattle
Entries Close Friday 24th March
First Fortnightly Sale of Ewes & Hoggs with Lambs at Foot – Please advise of entries! Sale at 11am.
Sale of Store & Breeding Pigs – 10.30am
Sale of Store & Breeding Goats – 11am