Market Report Tuesday 19th November

The wintery weather and several of our customers supporting the London protest resulted in a quieter market on Tuesday, nevertheless, this didn’t dampen the spirts of the customers that were in attendance

A good show of Pigs forward despite the weather, seeing a top of 241p for fats and heavy gilts reaching heights of £431.20/head!

Over 600 head of sheep on offer with Lambs reaching a high of 371p/kg and heavy lambs reaching a top headage price of £182.88. Ewes topped at £222/head.

Less calves on offer but still a buoyant trade with a Simmental bull topping at £425 and a British Blue heifer reaching £322

Pedigree Sale trade was very fast in spite of the inclement weather, reaching a top of £3320


Selling time – 10:00am

Auctioneer – Graham Watkins (07976 370894)

A very fast trade up to 213p/kg for a 705kg Aberdeen Angus cow from JM Robinson of Swythamley to gross £1501. 65 with others up to 174p/kg for a 650kg Black & White from RG & AS Williamson and 171p/kg for a 705kg Black & White from GW Myatt & Partners.

A Friesian cow, for EJ & VC Gilman of Congleton, weighing 705kg, sold up to 158p/kg to gross £113.90.

A Simmental bull, from JC & D Hudson of Hollinsclough, sold to 173p/kg to gross £1513.75.

The overall average was 165.49p/kg or £1172.19/head.


A small entry of cattle which mainly require further feeding.

Top price was 222p/kg for a British Blue heifer from G Baskerville & Co of Kings Bromley to gross £1095.

A Black & White bull for S Parker of Stanton achieved 194p/kg to gross £1358.

PIGS (114)

Selling time – 9:15am

Auctioneer – Ed Groves (07964 510145)

Despite the inclement weather, a good show of pigs forward, quality on the whole would be less than previous weeks. A good consignment of sows and clean gilts look very well sold. Top price 241p for fat pigs, sows to 151p and heavy clean gilts to 193p.


Cutting pigs sold to 234p for S Bailey, Knypersely who had others to 214p. J&B Fentem sold to 232p, 231p, 214p and 209p. Sam Harper sold to 210p and S&S Harper to 200p.


Bacon Pigs sold to 241p for Massie Farms who had others to 237p, 235p, 234p, 233p x2, 232p. S Bailey sold to 235p, J&B Fentem to 234p x 2, 231p. C Hine to 230p. Bernard Minshull sold to 229p, 224p and 219p.


Heavies topped at 200p for a 109kg boar from Bernard Minshull.


A run of heavy gilts from new Vendor J&M Stuart, Preston sold to 193p for a 194kg gilt, 184p for a 206kg gilt. 140p and 136p for 308kg and 317kg gilts top headage £431.20 !!


Sows topped at 151p or £385.05 for new vendor SJ Branson, Gadddesby who had others 149p, 145p & 142p.


Pig Averages.

Cutting Pigs (21); av 196.30/kg or £160.31/head

Bacon Pigs (78)    av 213.52p/kg or £201.59/head

Heavy Pigs (5);    av 120.72p/kg or £131.58/head

Clean gilts (4);     av. 157.64p/kg or £403.95/head

Sow (4);               av; 146.82p/kg or £333.64/head



Selling time – 11:30am

Auctioneers – Meg Elliott (07967 007049) & Mark Elliott (07973 673092)

A great trade at Leek in spite of snow and buses to London with Michael Stubbs of Tissington topping the day with Tissington Mingus Periwinkle 3rd, a superb bodied fresh heifer at £3320.

The four Tissington heifers were all giving 31kg plus, topping at 34kg with good legs and feet and smart udders, they averaged a very credible £2880 per head.

There was good support from regular purchasers including the Hulme and Parker families, together with the Baileys and Baskervilles.

The top five heifers averaged over £2700 per head.

Milky Holstein cows to £1940 for the Needhams at Bradnop.

Within the in-calf heifers and youngstock, Alan Shirt saw Holstein heifers to £1450, due December to Aberdeen Angus with a run of served heifers, around 18mths, from a Staffordshire farm up to £840.

The Threaphurst Pedigree Limousin bull, from the Bennett family, sold well with spirited bidding to £2880 to a Derbyshire suckled calf producer.


Selling time 11:00am

Auctioneer – Robert Watkins (07929 946652)

LAMBS (491)

A small entry on a snowy day, coupled with a lot of vendors supporting the London protest.

Best lambs very well bid for, topping at 371p/kg and plenty at 320-340p/kg.

Heavy lambs in strong demand again, up to £182.28/head or 332p/kg for overweight.

More could have been sold to vendors’ advantage.

Overall average at 302p/kg or £137.04/head.


Sample Prices: –

340p    38kg    JM Robinson, Swythamley

328p    40kg    JE Swindells, Leek

318p    40kg    JE Swindells, Leek

330p    42.3kg J Gilman & Partners, Macclesfield

314p    43kg    J Ball, Cheddleton

336p    43.5kg J Ball, Cheddleton

371p    45kg    FS & MJ Heath, Pipe Gate

317p    47.8kg FS & MJ Heath, Pipe Gate

318p    50kg    WJ Prime, Sudbury

318p    51kg    J Ball, Cheddleton

310p    51.5kg KW&AM Minshull, Bosley

316p    53kg    LF Horton & Sons, Northwich

308p    55kg    KW&AM Minshull, Bosley

308p    57.5kg J Curley, Sutton


A smaller entry of ewes due to the inclement weather and vendors in London supporting British Farming.

A mixed entry of ewes sold to a solid trade from start to finish, many more could be sold!!

Once again meat has commanded a premium with meated types looking well sold on the day.

Lean sorts still well bid for albeit at a price.


Top price £222 for ewes from David Williams Basford. Frank Heath, Pipe gate sold ewes to £210.


Better continental types generally £150-£170

Mules sold to £135 with better sorts £115-£130

Plain ewes £70-£90

Hill types and real lean small sorts £25-£50.


Overall average a pleasing £119.24



Selling time – 10:00am

Auctioneer – Oliver Hiles (07801 530899)

Less on offer, mainly due to the weather and the number of people supporting in London but a strong trade seen with buyers in attendance for all breeds and shapes with tops of £425 for a Simmental calf from H & E Bailey & Partners.

77 on offer today with nearly equal numbers, seeing 39 bulls and 38 heifers on offer.


All shapes and sizes represented again and a similar quality to last week. Eight over £300 to top at £425 for H & E Bailey & Partners.

13 Blues   av £243 to £400        DW & P Hulme

1 INRA95            to £330        J Hughes

2 Sims      av £372 to £425        H&E Bailey&Partners

4 Lims      av £205 to £280        JP & SR Slack

2 Char      av £293 to £315        D & G Tudor


Topping at £322 today for RG & AS Williamson for a British Blue calf. Better sorts around £230 +.

10 Blues        av £152 to £322   RG&AS Williamson

4 INRA95     av £167 to £230    DW & P Hulme

4 Sims/Lims av £126 to £210    H&E Bailey&Partners

3 Char           av £205 to £270    D & G Tudor

1 Blonde                   to £300    EJ & VC Gilman


A strong Aberdeen Angus topping the trade todayin the native section to £322.

9 AA Bulls   av £128 to £332    CA Day & Sons

9 AA Heif    av £75  to  £208    CA Day & Sons

2 Here Bulls av £113 to £120    R Wain & Sons Ltd

3 Here Heifs av £135 to £200    C Heath & Sons

5 S/Horn       av £77   to £200    R wain & Sons Ltd


Up to £122 for a Holstein calf, from A Povey & Sons.



Catalogued Sale of Store & Breeding Cattle

Entries Close Friday 15th November



Forthcoming Dairy Sale

On behalf of DRK Agriculture, Smiths Green Farm, Lower Withington, Macclesfield


Dispersal of the Entire Autumn Calving Herd. All Newly Calved,

Cubicles & Herringbone. Bulk Sample 4.96%F 3.66%P cc167



Catalogued Sale of Store Lambs & Breeding Sheep

Entries Close Friday 22nd November



Catalogued Sale of Store & Breeding Cattle

Entries Close Friday 29th November


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