A busier week in the sheep shed and trade on fire throughout and some super runs of quality hoggs forward. Top prices of 355p/kg with plenty 300p/kg and above, to top at £199.82/head for heavier sorts. Cull sheep, again a strong demand and the best to £187.
Pigs continue to sell at a pace and the best to 222p/kg for bacon pigs! Keep numbers coming forward.
Barren cattle in good demand, seeing some strong meated cattle forward topping the day at 234p/kg and £1566.40 a head. Only a handful of clean cattle which topped at 258p/kg for a Charolais heifer.
A few less dairies this week, and sold well, topping at £2280 for fresh heifers and bulling heifers to £710.
A good entry of calves and a packed ring of potential buyers led to a good demand with the best Blues to £340 and heifers to £252.
Selling time – 10:00am
Auctioneer – Graham Watkins (07976 370894)
A few less this week and prices up on the week with some excellent prices achieved. Top price of 234p/kg for a 640kg Charolais, a 570kg Hereford and 220p/kg and a 555kg Hereford at 220p/kg, all from Home Farm, Rushton.
Angus’ to 196p/kg for a 595kg cow from S Pennington & Son, Altrincham who also sold a 655kg Angus for 182p/kg and a 730kg Angus at 179p/kg.
Other top prices;
181p 645kg Charolais – S Kidd Farmers, Longnor
178p 880kg Holstein – WG & J Clark, Bradnop
177p 595kg Blonde – J Gilman & Partners, Bosley
175p 725kg Holstein – WG & J Clark, Bradnop
172p 765kg Holstein – WG & J Clark, Bradnop
171p 550kg Hereford – D & J K Mellor, Onecote
170p 740kg Holstein – WG & J Clark, Bradnop
Overall average of 178.86p/kg or £1118.41.
Top headae price of £1566.40 for Holsteins, Charolais to £1497.60, Angus’ to £1268.75 and Herefords to £1254.
Two overage steers to 219p/kg for a 680kg Hereford and a 675kg Fleckvieh at 218p/kg, both from Home Farm, Rushton.
Top price of 258p/kg for a 595kg Charolais heifer from Home Farm, Rushton who also sold a 735kg Montbeliarde steer for 230p/kg.
Selling time – 11:30am
Auctioneers – Meg Elliott (07967 007049) & Mark Elliott (07973 673092)
A small entry this week after the pedigree week with 20 milks and 12 younger cattle. The best newly calved heifers remain over £2000 with the best today from regular vendor Andrew Mills, Ratcliffe on Wreake who topped at £2280 for a 2 year old fresh calved sort that was giving 27kg to Ed Clowes, Kingsley. Others from the same home at £2180 and £1950.
Best of the youngstock was 4 Friesian x Ayrshire bulling heifers that sold in two pairs at £710 and £690 from G W Hallam, Warslow.
PIGS (117);
Selling time – 9:15am
Auctioneer –Ed Groves (07964 510145)
Fat pigs an absolute flying trade this week 117 pigs sold to 222p/kg, multiple pens over the 200p/kg mark. The averages speak for themselves this week a good show of pigs were met with a fierce trade across the board and long many this trade continue.
Porkers in short supply today with a pen of 4 from A Worth, Marton sold to 193p/kg for 75kg pigs.
Cutting Pigs
Cutters sold to 217p/kg for 85kg pigs from PF+PD Parsons, Whitchurch. J&B Fentem, Allsop En-Le Dale sold 85kg gilts to 209p/kg, others from the same home sold to 205p/kg for 77kg pigs. JA&B Minshull, Buxton sold an 82kg pig to 205p/kg. Gilts generally trading between 190-200p/kg and boars 180-190p/kg.
Bacon Pigs
Baconers topped at 222p/kg for 95kg pigs from Massie Farms, Stafford, who sold others to 219p/kg, 218p/kg, 216p/kg x2, 215p/kg &214p/kg. PF+PD Parsons sold 101kg pigs to 212p/kg, others from the same home realised 209p/kg for 95kg pigs. Numerous pens over the 200p/kg mark, boars and gilts generally 185p/kg+.
Heavy Pigs
Heavies topped at 180p/kg for 107kg pigs from KH Fradley, Derby. B Sherratt, Stoke-on-Trent had 109kg pigs to 174p/kg.
Cull Boars
One cull boar sold to 20p/kg for a 272kg boar, from S Foxley, Wolverhampton.
Cull Sow
One Cull sow from S Foxley, Wolverhampton sold to 77p/kg for a 113kg sow.
Pig Averages.
Porkers (4); av 193.00p/kg or £144.75/head
Cutting Pigs (23); av 193.17p/kg or £158.23/head
Bacon Pigs (77); av 203.77p/kg or £191.12/head
Heavy Pigs (11); av 164.99p/kg or £180.43/head
Cull Sows (1); av. 77.00p/kg or £86.50/head
Selling time 11:00am
Auctioneer – Robert Watkins (07929 946652)
HOGGETS (813);
A stronger entry and some excellent runs of quality again seeing trade find another level. To be fair the increase in average would be a much down to the improved quality as anything else.
Best sorts flying away to 355p/kg and a massive quantity at 300p/kg and better. Best big lambs very well bid for again with overweight’s grossing a massive £199.82/head.
SQQ Average of 284.61p/kg and Overall 283.8p/kg.
Sample prices;
323p 38.4kg S J Pace & Co, Congleton
322p 38kg D B Goldstraw, Meerbrook
314p 37.5kg GH & M Torr, Bradnop
355p 43.6kg M Jones, Rudyard
348p 45kg R & S Bailey, Cloudside
347p 41.2kg M Jones, Rudyard
337p 43.7kg J Belfield & R Deakin-Gallimore
337p 43.7kg M & C Hall, Sheen
327p 40.1kg S J Pace & Co, Congleton
348p 46kg D Williams, Basford
348p 45.6kg FS & MJ Heath, Pipe Gate
345p 51.5kg FS & MJ Heath, Pipe Gate
346p 57.8kg E A Sessions & Sons, Dalbury Lees
339p 56kg E A Sessions & Sons, Dalbury Lees
320p 56.5kg FS & MJ Heath, Pipe Gate
A few less forward seeing a similar trade generally with plainer and smaller types in a bit better demand on the week.
Best ewes to £187 for Texels and heavy ewes generally at £150 plus.
Best Mules to £110 or so and best Texel Rams to £180. Overall average at £106/head.
CALVES (142);
Selling time – 10:00am
Auctioneer – Oliver Hiles (07801 530899)
A similar entry of 142 calves on offer met a packed ring of prospective buyers with a larger proportion of smaller types on offer.
Continental Bulls – 41 Average £138
Buyers for all types with best Blue bulls topping at £340/head twice with the top 10 Blues averaging £252.
35 Blues av £132 to £340 – Woodward Partners
& R E Poyser
4 Sims av £199 to £250 – H & E Bailey & Partners
2 Lims av £113 to £192 – D R & A Shuker & Sons
Continental Heifers – 33 Average £113
All the top 10 heifer calves this week were Blues with these averaging £212.
28 Blues av £115 to £252 – P F Gilman
3 Lims av £90 to £118 – N E Goodwin & Son
2 Blonde av £107 to £125 – B E Wain
Natives – 51 Average £72
Both Angus and Herefords well bid for with some strong Angus bulls on offer this week peaking at £275 with 5 from one home averaging £219.
21 Angus Bulls av £85 to £275 – P E Holmes & Son
15 Angsu Heifers av £44 to £135 – P E Holmes & Son
6 Hereford Bulls av £95 to £185 – Rowland Partners
9 Hereford Heifers av £72 to £160 – D I Ball & Son
Sale of 531 Store & Breeding Cattle
Catalogues Available Online
First Fortnightly Sale of Ewes & Hoggs with Lambs at Foot – Please advise of entries! Sale at 11am.
Easter Show & Sale of Spring Lambs – 11am
Sale of Store & Breeding Pigs – 10.30am
Sale of Store & Breeding Goats – 11am