A bit of a rainy end to October but not dampening the trade at Leek.
The Barren and Clean Cattle sections saw a similar trade to last week with bigger numbers required to meet the needs of the buyers.
671 Lambs on offer meeting a strong trade with some spirited bidding, more Lambs required to meet the strong demand.
The Dairy section saw an entry of 34 with some Dairy Calves on offer. Topping the trade was a Holstein Heifer at £1900.
A good show of Calves on offer, seeing some excellent quality. Plenty of interest at the ringside proving that many more could be sold.
Selling time – 10:00am
Auctioneer – Graham Watkins (07976 370894)
A similar trade to last week with a 505kg Hereford selling well for 173p/kg and a 605kg Hereford from ES Bennison of Stockport achieving 159p/kg.
Simmental Cows at 825kg from Des Alcock of Elkstones achieved 155p/kg with other top prices as follows:
640kg Hereford to 151p/kg M Beswick, Fairfield
770kg Friesian to 149p/kg CW Pearce, Tean
880kg Freisian to 148p/kg CW Pearce, Tean
675kg Friesian to 147p/kg DR&A Shuker & Son
705kg Holstein to 146p/kg WE Turnock & Sons
Top headage price was £1302.40 for the Friesian Cow from CW Pearce and £1278.75 for the Simmental from Des Alcock.
A 1025kg Hereford Bull from A J Peach of Warslow exchanged hands at 121p/kg to gross £1240.25.
A small entry but those on offer sold well with plenty of competition.
Top price was 257p/kg for a 580kg British Blue Heifer from G Baskerville & Co of Kings Bromley to gross £1490.60 and was purchased by Peter Lymer of JW Ash Butchers, Leek. Another British Blue Heifer at 585kg from the same vendor sold for 202p/kg to gross £1181.70. Dexter Steers were particularly well sold at £448.35, £438.60 and £438.
Selling time – 9:15am
Auctioneer –Ed Groves (07964 510145)
Less Pigs forward this week. Those best pigs would be 10p-15p dearer on the week, with a mixed entry including coloured and plainer pigs reflected in the averages. Sows look to have dropped a touch this week.
Porkers topped at 198p from B&M Elkin, Hilderstone. With others from the same home to 184p, J&B Fentem topped at 185p.
Cutting Pigs topped at 211p from PF&PD Parsons who had others to 208p. J&B Fentem had pigs to 210p x2 & 207p. S Bailey had pigs to 210p.
Bacon Pigs topped at 210p from J&B Fentem, JA&B Minshull topped at 209p & 207p. PF&PD Parsons topped at 207p, and R Watson had pigs to 203p.
Heavies topped at 197p from RA Watson, JA&B Minshull topped at 179p.
Sows topped at 88p for R Rowlinson who had another to 87p.
Pig Averages.
Porkers (11) av 177.84p/kg or £119.64/head
Cutting Pigs (29); av 174.72p/kg or £140.26/head
Bacon Pigs (43); av 161.04p/kg or £145.65/head
Heavies (15 av. 128.34p/kg or £152.71/head
Sows (6) av 73.74p/kg or £175.76/head
Selling time – 11:30am
Auctioneers – Meg Elliott (07967 007049) & Mark Elliott (07973 673092)
34 Dairies on offer, including 6 Dairy Calves.
A very varied entry with Calves, In-Calvers, Shorthorn and Friesians as well as fresh Holstein Heifers.
Topping the trade was the Wayne Family from Ible with a strong Holstein Heifer, calved 19 days ago, giving 27kg at £1900.
A sweet pedigree Shorthorn Heifer from Shirley Kirkham and Family attracted good bidding to £1360.
Within the in-calf section, Nigel Armstrong of Nottingham University Farm had £1420 for his strongest Heifers, due Nov/Dec to Aberdeen Angus, with others to £1320 and £1380.
Friesian Heifer calves to £185 with cross bred dairy Heifer line back calves to£105 at 18 days old.
Selling time 11:00am
Auctioneer – Robert Watkins (07929 946652)
LAMBS (671).
The smallest entry for some time met a very strong trade compared to reports from other outlets.
Best sorts seeing spirited bidding, topping at 299p/kg and heavy Lambs a good trade, topping at £146.34 or 272p/kg for over weights.
Many more best quality Lambs could have been sold to the vendor’s advantage.
Commercial quality Lambs, easier on the week by 5-10p/kg.
Overall average at 259p/kg
More Lambs required!
Sample prices:
280p 39kg I Walker, Stone
299p 39.7kg JF Kirkham, Hartington
296p 40.6kg JM Robinson, Swythamley
286p 42.4kg S Charles, Wardlow
298p 42.5kg KA Smith, Ashbourne
294p 42.7kg JF Kirkham, Hartington
286p 46kg JF Kirkham, Hartington
277p 47.5kg JL Morris, Cresswell
272p 49kg S & J Reeves, Edale
272p 53kg JM Robinson, Swythamley
271p 54kg J Naylor, Hulme End
Another good entry, seeing a similar trade, topping at £156 for Texels with the top 6 lots averaging £152 from 5 different vendors.
Mules generally harder on the week with not much past £85-£90.
Overall average at £88/head.
CALVES (128)
Selling time – 10:00am
Auctioneer – Oliver Hiles (07801 530899)
A good show and some excellent quality in places but also several smaller Calves on offer, though all were well sold today.
A very strong trade as last week with plenty of buyers at the ringside and many more could have been sold well, A trio of best Calves topped £400 with Andrew Hulme at £435 and £400 and Andy Williamson at £420. Medium Bulls £240 -£300 with smaller Calves either side of £200.
18 Blues av £232 to £435 DW & P Hulme
4 Sims av £236 to £420 RG & AS Williamson
10 Lim av £289 to £405 RG & AS Williamson
More Heifers than Bulls and a very strong price all the way through. 3 best Calves topped £300 with a suckler bred Limousin from Les Elkin at £310. Best Heifers £250+, medium £130-£190 with smaller Heifers around £100.
21 Blues av £142 to £258 J Bailey & Sons
2 Sim av £191 to £300 PN Holdcroft
10 Lim av £127 to £310 L Elkin
5 Char av £270 to £300 D & G Tudor
1 INRA95 to £238 J Hughes
Aberdeen Angus dominated, and all were well sold.
16 Angus Bulls av £169 to £390 L Elkin
2 Lincoln Red Bulls £152 to £200 Birch Bros
17 Angus Heifers av £115 to £280 S&J Ryder
2 Hereford Heifers £115 to £135 KW Powell
Better sold recently with Montbeliarde at £230 and £175 with the Herefords generally £30-£50.
Sale of 80 Holstein Friesians on behalf of DN Carter & Co, Olde Farm, Willoughby, Rugby.
Herd average 10,900kg+ 4.65%F, 3.57%P
Currently averaging 29.7kg daily. Currently being Catalogued.
Store & Breeding Cattle Sale
Closing Date for Entries Friday 10th November
Store & Breeding Cattle Sale
Closing Date for Entries Friday 24th November