Market Report 20th April

Another busy Tuesday market with the Pedigree Dairy Sale and a buoyant trade topping at £2020 & £2000 for fresh heifers with Commercials topping the day at £2040.

The sheep section saw a firm trade throughout, and some good entries forward selling to 404p/kg for Spring Lambs, hogget’s to 340p/kg and £166.60/head. Cull ewes were a super trade, with top prices of £165 & £161 with the whole entry averaging over £107/head.
Barrens sold on a solid trade again, with cattle up to 198p/kg for Simmentals and Black & white’s to 169p/kg, with the entry averaging 128.57p/kg.

Calves sold on a super trade, and some real good quality about, with bulls to £475 for Limousins, and heifers to £360, both from Andrew Hulme, Basford.
Pigs sold on a decent trade also with bacon pigs to 146p/kg and heavies to 140p/kg.

Barren Cows (48);

Selling time – 10:00am
Auctioneer – Graham Watkins (07976 370894) 

Another smashing trade this week with some excellent prices achieved. Top price of 198p/kg for a 675kg Simmental cow from Rushton Spencer, who also sold a 760kg Simmental at 165p/kg and another at 162p/kg for a 740kg Simmental.

Black & white’s sold to 169p/kg for a 635kg from ET & ME Pemberton, Cheadle with a 740kg Holstein at 156p/kg from J Bailey & Sons, Biddulph.
Other top prices;
155p 810kg Simmental – D & A Stonier, Eaton
154p 815kg Holstein – DJ & KL Leadbetter, Sudbury
150p 555kg Shorthorn – G G Hall & Son, Croxden 150p 760kg Holstein – W E Turnock & Sons, Onecote
150p 785kg Holstein – WG & J Clark, Bradnop
149p 780kg Holstein – DJ & KL Leadbetter, Sudbury 149p 650kg Limousin – K L Potts, Mottram St Andrew
148p 825kg Holstein – H W Heath & Son, Hartwell
148p 755kg Holstein – P G Beswick & Sons, Rudyard
Overall average of 128.57p/kg or £847.64/head.

Top headage price of £1336.50 and £1255.50 for Simmentals with Black & White’s to £1255.10 and £1221.

Clean Cattle;

Selling time – 10:45am approx.
Auctioneer – Graham Watkins (07976 370894)

A small entry sold on a solid trade selling to 238p/kg for a 530kg Limousin heifer from Chris Barnsley, Morridge selling to JW Ash Butchers of Leek.
A pair of smart Limousin heifers from PG Beswick & Sons sold at 199p/kg twice for 605kg and 580kg heifers.
Black & white bulls sold to 181p/kg for a 585kg bull, with others at 180p/kg and 178p/kg from J E Archer & Sons, Hilton.

Dairies (99);

Selling time – 11:30am
Auctioneers – Meg Elliott (07967 007049) & Mark Elliott (07973 673092)

Tuesday saw a more buoyant trade for milkers within the Dairy Section with numerous passing the £1800 mark.
The first cow through the ring reached £1940. A powerful third calver from Andrew & Joanna Bunting, she was sold giving 50kg and went to Messrs Baskerville.
Messrs Sutton of Turnditch saw their second calver reach £1900 with another from Messrs Mellor of Earl Sterndale at £1830.
The Buntings also went on to see their two fresh heifers reach £2000 and £2020 respectively.
However topping the day was a stylish commercial second calver from Adrian Barber of Gnosall at £2040.
The entry of Shorthorn In-calf heifers sold to a buoyant trade. All due later in the year the pedigree entry from Messrs Tunnicliffe reached £1400 with commercials from Messrs Hollingworth to £1370.
Young calves also from Messrs Bunting reached £370.

Pigs (118);

Selling time – 9:15am
Auctioneer – Graham Watkins (07976 370894)

A strong entry forward selling on a solid trade, with some good prices achieved.
Bacon pigs topped at 146p/kg for a 98kg pig from PF & PD Parsons, Whitchurch with a pair of 90kg pigs at 144p/kg for Laura Smith, Basford and 142p/kg for a 102kg pig from David Goldstraw, Meerbrook. Others sold at 137p/kg, 134p/kg (x3) and 126p/kg for the Parsons.
Heavy pigs sold up to 140p/kg for a 105kg pig from PF & PD Parsons, with J & B Fentem selling heavies at 130p/kg, 128p/kg, 120p/kg and 118p/kg.
A good number of Sows forward selling up to 79p/kg for a 325kg sow and 78p/kg for a 297kg sow, with others at 77p/kg, 76p/kg, 73p/kg, 72p/kg and 71p/kg.

Bacon Pigs (81); – av 110.69p/kg or £104.03/head
Heavy Pigs (19); – av 109.83p/kg or £116.94/head
Cull Sows (11); – av 68.02p/kg or £173.38/head.

Sheep Section;

Selling time 11:00am
Auctioneer – Robert Watkins (07929 946652) Spring Lambs (48);

Numbers slow at coming forward, but many more could have been sold with some jobs cancelled due to insufficient numbers.
Trade brisk with best to 404p/kg or £160/head. Plenty of ‘less fancy’ sorts in the entry impacting on the average which levelled at 346p/kg.

Sample prices;
330p 29kg – E D Butters, Yoxall
400p 38kg – RG & AS Williamson, Wetley Rocks
390p 37kg – RG & AS Williamson, Wetley Rocks
386p 38.5kg – IE, M & A Wilson, Hollington
404p 39.5kg – RG & AS Williamson, Wetley Rocks
376p 41kg – RG & AS Williamson, Wetley Rocks
360p 44kg – IE, M & A Wilson, Hollington

Butchers Hogget’s (386);

A reasonable entry for time of the year with a run of
very poor tail-end sorts and some very well few types,
albeit at heavy weights.
Best sold to 340p/kg or £166.60/ head. Better types 300p
+ even for heavy weights. More of the best could have
been sold to the vendors advantage.
Sample prices;
328p 38.5kg – D Machin, Horton
340p 41.6kg – FS & MJ Heath, Pipe Gate
330p 43.8kg – MJ & VP Oliver, Toft Green

Cull Sheep (139);

Less about with trade fierce from start to finish. Higher proportion of the entry was continental ewes which were a joy to sell. Best Texel’s to £165/head with others at £161. Best 10 lots over £140/head to average £153. Mules to £99 and best Suffolk ewes to £138.
More required each week!

Calves (143);

Selling time – 10:00am
Auctioneer – Oliver Hiles (07801 530899);

Better numbers this week and a full line up of buyers appreciating the quality on offer, Hereford & Angus out in force today.
26 Continental Bulls av £293.77
A certainly not enough to feed the buyers demands with a storming good trade all the way through. 7 best sold over £335 with a top price of a remarkable £475 (the best price for a very very long time for a calf!). this calf was a 31 day old Limousin from Andrew Hulme, Basford. Mediums £270 – £300 with smalls under £250.
16 Blues av £302 to £395 – Woodward Partners
1 Sim to £335 – J & C Hudson
8 Lims av £253 to £475 – D W & P Hulme
1 Char to £430 – D & G Tudor

17 Continental Heifers £177.64
No where near enough heifers with several buyers not able to get sorted. Andrew Hulme had £360 for his Blue with the top 5 over £215.
10 Blues av £220 to £360 – D W & P Hulme
2 Sims av £124 to £180 – Woodward Partners
5 Lims av £115 to £175 – F E Whittaker & Sons

72 Natives
A bumper crop including a big run of 30 from a Spring calving herd.
28 Hereford Bulls av £194 to £355 – DG & JA Ball
13 Angus Bulls av £177 to £245 – W Millington & Co
19 Hereford Heifers av £122 to £215 – DG & JA Ball
12 Angus Heifers av £157 to £240 – W Millington & Co

20 Black & White Bulls
Brown Swiss to £178 and Holsteins to £135 with the majority of medium rearer’s £40 – £80 and only a few smaller Holsteins under £30.

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