Another fast trade at Leek this week with calves looking dearer than ever before, seeing a British Blue Heifer hitting the top spot at £495 and a Simmental Bull to £485
Barrens topped at 235p/kg with a top headage price of £1774.25
Dairies reached a high of £2880 for a second calver
Hoggs topped at 386p/kg to a top headage price of £207.40 with Ewes reaching £300
More pigs on offer with a top price of 196p/kg
Selling time – 10:00am
Auctioneer – Graham Watkins (07976 370894)
A similar entry and another very fast trade.
Top price was 235p/kg for a 775kg Holstein from Peter & Rob Lawley with a 695kg Black and White cow from D R & A Shuker & Sons exchanging hands for 229p/kg.
A 640kg Shorthorn from Ipstones achieved 227p/kg with a 705kg Friesian from Messrs Carbutt selling for 226p/kg.
A pleasing overall average of 200.21p/kg and £1241.90 per head.
Top headage price was £1774.25 for Holstein, £1452.80 for Shorthorn and £1522.05 for Brown Swiss.
PIGS (114)
Selling time – 9:15am
Auctioneer – Ed Groves (07964 510145)
A larger entry of pigs this week, trade on the whole pretty similar to the week before, out of spec pigs harder to place. Better gilts 185p-195p, boars 165p-180p. Sows to 80p.
Cutters sold to 194p & 189p for A Shinton, Ellesmere, S Bailey to 190p & 170p. PF+PD Parsons to 170p.
Bacon pigs sold to 196p for Massie farms who had others to 196p, 195p & 192p. JG Belfield to 194p & 193p. PF+PD Parsons to 194p & 190p. J&B Fentem to 190p & 185p. C Hine to 188p. N Brown, Marston Montgomery to 180p.
Heavies sold to 180p for A Shinton, Ellesmere. 107kg pigs to 172p for N Brown, Marston Montgomery. J&B Fentem to 171p, 170p, 146p & 130p.
Sows to 80p for S Bailey.
Pig Averages.
Cutting Pigs (10); av 186.64p/kg or £153.04/head
Bacon Pigs (81); av 176.64p/kg or £166.07/head
Heavy Pigs (19); av 148.49p/kg or £158.41/head
Sow (1); av 80.00p/kg or £190.40/head
Selling time – 11:30am
Auctioneers – Meg Elliott (07967 007049) & Mark Elliott (07973 673092)
Dairies to £2880
A serious trade for all qualities saw a second calver top the day at £2880 from the Wayne family of Ible.
A heifer with detriments, from David Brailsford of Chesterfield reached £2360.
A good entry forward for the Pedigree Sale next week which includes a part herd dispersal of 24 milkers on behalf of the Turnock family of Yarlet.
A complete herd dispersal has also been booked for Tuesday 4th March of approximately 250 head on behalf of the Wellwood family of Saltby, Melton Mowbray (see advert below).
Selling time 11:00am
Auctioneer – Robert Watkins (07929 946652)
HOGGS (742)
A slightly reduced entry seeing a good trade, better than might have been anticipated based on reports from other outlets.
Best sorts in very strong demand, regardless of weight. Best to 386p/kg and top headage at £207.40 for some exceptional 60kg hoggs from David and Joe Lovatt.
Commercial types generally slightly back on the week but also a reflection on some of the goods forward.
SQQ average at 330p, 329p overall or £147.74/head, including plenty of light and under finished sorts.
Sample Prices: –
386p 36kg R&S Bailey, Rushton Spencer
360p 37.3kg B Shaw, Buxton
370p 38kg JM Robinson, Swythamley
382p 40kg BM Robinson, Swythamley
352p 40.2kg JM Robinson, Swythamley
386p 40.5kg R&S Bailey, Rushton Spencer
358p 42.1kg M&M Heath, Rushton Spencer
354p 43.3kg DJ&PS Smith, Rushton Spencer
350p 45kg FS&MJ Heath, Pipe Gate
380p 47.5kg R&S Bailey, Rushton Spencer
384p 50kg DH&J Lovatt, Rushton Spencer
349p 51kg FS&MJ Heath, Pipe Gate
353p 54kg FJ Gould & Son, Longnor
353p 58kg FJ Gould & Son, Longnor
352p 57kg FJ Gould & Son, Longnor
340p 61kg DH&J Lovatt, Rushton Spencer
A good number of ewes forward today and a more quality on show than last week. Trade up on the week with meated ewes at a real premium for all types, leaner ewes a little harder to place but definitely looking well sold. Best Texel ewes flew to £300 for M Hill, Ashbourne purchased by weekly supporter Lancashire Direct Halal Meat.
Top prices £300, £290 & £208 for M Hill. R&S Bailey to £260, M Turner to £230. M Daniels to £210. D Williams to £202, £188 & £184 Mosley & Son to £192 & £173. FS & MJ Heath to £190.
Better continentals £170+
Plainer sorts £130-£160
Mules topped £178, generally £130-£160
Hill types and small lean ewes £65-£85
Rams topped at £220 for ACA & TJ Ede, Stramshall. M Daniels to £180 & £165.
Overall average a pleasing £142.74.
Selling time – 10:00am
Auctioneer – Oliver Hiles (07801 530899)
At last, the calves have started to catch up with the ever-increasing beef prices, being miles dearer for the second week in succession.
Dearer than ever before with many calves looking £100 dearer. Eight best topped £428 and rose to £485 for a smart Simmental from Messrs Higginson who’s second bull made £442. Medium bulls £350-£420 with smalls generally £310-£330. Seeing only two under £300.
26 Blues av £377 to £472 PF Gilman
2 Sims av £463 to £485 TD & DA Higginson
6 Lims av £372 to £470 RJ & KA Steele
Even dearer than the bulls calf for calf, with some unreal prices. Thirteen heifers passed the £400 marker with Andrew Hulme at the top at £495. Medium heifers £300-£400 with only four smaller heifers under £300.
19 Blues av £366 to £495 DW & P Hulme
2 Sims av £405 to £415 TD & DA Higginson
6 Lims av £393 to £475 J Kirkham
1 Char to £415 D & G Tudor
Very short on numbers but amazing prices.
1 Here Bull0 to £340 Rowland Partners
3 AA Bulls av £365 to £375 CS & J Prince
Sold to £95 today.
Catalogued Sale of 610 Store & Breeding Cattle
Catalogues Now Available Online
Fully Catalogued Sale from some of the Leading Herds in the Midlands and Surrounding Counties. A Tremendous Entry already received from:
Bradnop (6), Brundcliffe, Chardan (4), In-Calf Heifers, Chasmar (2), Honeycroft (3), Millhurst (2), Rownall, Shieldhouse (2), Weaverdale (2)
Including a Special Entry of 24 Cows & Heifers In-Milk from the Yarlet Herd of W A & A E Turnock, Yarlet, Stafford.
Catalogued Sale of Store & Breeding Cattle
Entries Close Friday 21st February
Sale of the Entire Spring Calving New Zealand Friesian Herd (Approx 240 Head) on Behalf of R J & E E Wellwood, Saltby Dairy Unit, Saltby, Melton Mowbray Leicestershire.