Market Report Tuesday 12th December

A busy day in Leek today with plenty of local farmers in attendance, providing a good atmosphere throughout. A huge thankyou to all for your continued support.

157 Calves on offer with lots of variety and a good compliment of buyers around the ring, seeing a British Blue Bull topping the trade at £480.

A solid trade in the Sheep shed with 939 Lambs forward, seeing a top price of 322p/kg for R & S Bailey of Rushton Spencer.

An increased entry of Barrens today with a similar trade and a top price of 194p/kg or £1105.80/head.

A busy Pig shed with 193 forward, selling on a very good trade with Fat Pigs topping at 219p.

We Would Like to Wish All Our Customers a Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year!

We Will be Closed on Tuesday 26th December. We will be open for Sheep Only (See Below) on Wednesday 27th December and Open as Usual on Tuesday 2nd January 2024.



Selling time – 10:00am

Auctioneer – Graham Watkins (07976 370894)

A very pleasing entry with a similar trade being achieved with a top price of 194p/kg for a 570kg Shorthorn from CW Kidd of Quarnford to gross £1105.80.

A 575kg Limousin Cow, from EJ & DC Kidd of Quarnford, sold at 179p/kg with a 535kg Holstein from Nottingham selling for 169p/kg. The same price was achieved for a 775kg Hereford from J & J Housley with other top prices as follows: –

158p    745kg Hereford             RG&AS Williamson

150p    620kg Montbeliarde      J W Brandrick & Son

139p    810kg Angus                J R Bloor

137p    625kg Holstein             Nottingham Vendor

137p    600kg Limousin           EJ & DC Kidd

Top headage was £1309.75 for the Hereford from J & J Housley with Holstein up to £1177.10 for R G & A S Williamson.

The overall average was 120.62p/kg.


A small entry but those on offer were well sold. A 585kg Friesian Bull from J E Archer & Sons, topped at 239p/kg to gross £1398.15 with a 525kg Friesian Bull from the same vendor selling for 229p/kg to gross £1202.25.

A 555kg Friesian Heifer from D & G Tudor of Kingsley achieved 192p – £1065.60/head.

PIGS (193).

Selling time – 9:15am

Auctioneer –Ed Groves (07964 510145)

A massive pre-Christmas entry of pigs with 193 head forward. Fast sold on a solid trade for those best types, a few more plainer sorts forward which were reflected in the average’s, fats topped at 219p and sows 84p.

Porkers topped at 213p from J&B Fentem who sold others to 212p, 200p & 198p. B Elkin topped at 198p & 195p.

Cutters to 219p from PF +PD Parsons. J&B Fentem to 215p and S Bailey to 209p. MR Banham to 200p.

Baconers to 219p & 216p for PF+PD Parsons. Massie Farms to 215p, 214p x3, 213p, 212p x3. J&B Fentem to 214p & JA&B Minshull to 212p.

Heavies topped at 185p from S Woodcock, Chorley who sold others to 180p, 170p and 160p.

Sows topped at 84p x 2 from Massie Farms and 90p for R Rowlinson.

Porkers (9)            av   162.46p/kg or £117.69/head

Cutting Pigs (33);   av   185.52p/kg or £150.35/head

Bacon Pigs (105);   av   205.02p/kg or £191.65head

Heavies (6)            av   163.64p/kg or £181.44/head

Sows (1)                av     76.04p/kg or £222.98/head


Selling time – 11:30am

Auctioneers – Meg Elliott (07967 007049) & Mark Elliott (07973 673092)

Quality was in short supply on Tuesday with trade reflecting the mixed offering however plenty of buyers in attendance.

A superb entry forward for next week’s Pedigree Show and Sale, with 83 entered, with some real quality up for grabs. Don’t forget there is coffee and mince pies being served in the dairy ring with judging commencing at 10am.


Selling time 11:00am

Auctioneer – Robert Watkins (07929 946652)

LAMBS (939)

A seasonal entry seeing a slightly firmer demand than reported elsewhere.

Best shaped Lambs again in demand, topping at 322p/kg and numerous pens at 300p and better from multiple vendors.

Heavy Lambs grossing up well to top at £154/head and plenty at £140 plus.

Overall average at 259.7p/kg for a mixed sample overall.

Sample Prices:-

308p    38.8kg M Heath, Bradnop

301p    39.5kg S J Pace & Co, Congleton

306p    40.3kg S J Pace & Co, Congleton

290p    41kg    D R Flower & Son, Alstonefield

321p    41.5kg D Williams, Basford

314p    41.7kg R Challinor, Dilhorne

297p    42kg    JB Rowlinson & Son, Gawsworth

322p    46kg    R & S Bailey, Rushton Spencer

317p    46kg    R & S Bailey, Rushton Spencer

300p    51kg    RT Forrester, Dilhorne

275p    56kg    JM Robinson, Swythamley


An increased entry saw a similar trade overall topping at £189 for Texel Rams for Messrs Reeves and best Beltex Ewes to £166 for the Hatch Family of Mottram St. Andrew.

Overall average at £94/head.

CALVES (157)

Selling time – 10:00am

Auctioneer – Oliver Hiles (07801 530899)       

A superb entry of 157 Calves together with 11 reared Calves.

A real variety to the entry and the very best Continental Heifers and Bulls were a very good trade.

The star of the day was a 27-day old British Blue Bull from Andy and Rob Williamson which stormed to £480 and was sold onto Yorkshire.



Plenty of customers for all categories, particularly the best 25%.

Top call at £480 for a British Blue Bull from the Williamsons with others at £398 and the best Limousin Bulls to £370.

Mediums £200-£260.

22 Blues av. £249-£480            RG&AS Williamson

4 Sims   av  £260-£322            TD&DA Higginson

14 Lims  av  £260-£370             RJ & KA Salt

1 Char                  £300             J Hughes


The best third good to sell but a few smaller sorts forward today.

17 Blues av. £186-£300            NE Goodwin & Son

2 Sim      av  £148-£260             DR&A Shuker & Son

8 Lim     av   £198-£258             JC&D Hudson

1 Char                  £235            FJ Gould & Son


The section topped at £260 for a smart Aberdeen Angus Bull from the Shukers with others at £240 and £208. No really good Herefords today but some secondary types to £135.

The best Friesian to £90 for the Edes at Lower Tean.

23 Friesians    av £41.40-£90     LTL Tean

1 Welsh Black    to   £138         RJ Clowes & Sons

17 Angus           to £260-         


Aberdeen Angus topping here at £160 for Peter & Christine Gilman.


Monbeliarde Steer, 7 months & 12 days – £380 for CS & J Prince

Hereford Steer, 8 months – £260 for CS & J Prince

Simmental Bull, 1 & a half months – £280 for SJ Hoolley.



Store & Breeding Cattle Sale

Entries now Closed

Catalogue Available Online



Pedigree Christmas Show & Sale


Fully Catalogued Sale from some of the Leading Herds in the Midlands and Surrounding Counties. A TREMENDOUS ENTRY already received from:

Bentygrange (5), Braemarhouse (3), Broomhouse (8), Brundcliffe (11),

Burbrook (2), Chasmar, Cubley (4), Dovetremt (7), Greetham, Havendale (5), Honeycroft (4), Leisure (2), Meldamar (4), Millhurst (2), Moreben ,  Rownall (2), Sterndale (5), Sternmoor (2), Timberlane (6), Whitecroft,

Incl Youngstock & Served Heifers from the Timberlane Herd



Judge: Mr N Moss



Prime Lambs & Cull Ewes

Unloading from Midday Onwards Sale at 3pm



Store & Breeding Cattle Sale

Closing Date for Entries Friday 29th December


Upcoming Sales

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