Another busy Tuesday at Leek on a crisp winter’s morning. 120 Cattle, 1134 sheep and 141 pigs entered.
Barren cows a strong trade with only black and whites on offer topping at 185p/kg for a 635kg Holstein.
Clean cattle topped at 237p/kg for a 540kg Blue heifer.
Dairies a strong trade for the quality on offer topping at £2680, with numerous over £2000.
Pigs topped at 200p/kg those best sorts a flying trade. More plainer & coloured types on offer reflected in the averages. Sow trade steadier on the week.
Hoggs a sharp trade for those best sorts topping at 275p/kg and £140/head. Overall average £224p/kg. Cull ewes once again a strong trade topping at £170 an average of £89.50.
Less claves about this week but met with a fierce trade. Blue bulls to £365 and blue heifers to £295.
Selling time – 10:00am
Auctioneer – Graham Watkins (07976 370894)
Barren Cows once again a strong trade for those on offer, all balck and whites cows on offer. Top price on the day 185p/kg for a 635kg Holstein cow from WG & J Clark, Bradnop. J&R Maydew, Consall had a run of 3 realising £163/p/kg, 159p/kg and 158p/kg for 734kg, 705kg and 158kg Holstein and Freisian cows.
Other top prices
157p/kg 765kg Friesian – FE Whitaker & Sons, Bosely
156p/kg 655kg Holstein– PJ&JR Boffey,Church Lawton
149p/kg 770kg X Breed -WG & J Clark, Bradnop
137p/kg 705kg Freisian – JC&D Hudson, Hollinsclough.
129p/kg 605kg Holstein -WG & J Clark, Bradnop
129p/kg 560kg Freisian – DR&A Shuker & Sons, Bosley
128p/kg 660kg Holstein –WE Turnock & Sons, Onecote
125p/kg 585kg Frerisian -DR&A Shuker & Sons, Bosley
Overall Average 140.01p/kg or £907/head
Top Headage Price 1214.35 for the 745kg cow from J&R Maydew, Consall
Clean Cattle (2);
Selling time – Following Barren Cows
Auctioneer – Graham Watkins (07976 370894)
Only two on offer top price 237p/kg for a 540kg heifer from JR Johnson, Ipstones. A 585kg heifer from R&E Bennett, Whiston relasied 190p/kg.
Selling time – 11:30am
Auctioneers – Meg Elliott (07967 007049) & Mark Elliott (07973 673092)
On a day when quality was a little short in supply, trade remained defiantly strong with numerous passing the £2000 mark.
Topping the day was a Boghill Glamour Achan daughter from the Phillips family of Winkhill at £2680 with another heifer from Messrs Platt of Bamford to £2320.
Cows reached £2120 for a second calver from Bradbury and Brookes of Field with another from Messrs Darwin of Oxspring hot in pursuit at £2100. A fourth calver from Messrs Boffey of Church Lawton reached £1900.
Dairy Shorthorn Calves reached £370 from Gary Norbury of Sproston.
Next week we have the herd dispersal on behalf of the Harrison family of Kingsley. See further details below.
PIGS (131);
Selling time – 9:15am
Auctioneer –Ed Groves (07964 510145)
More fat pigs about this week, those best pigs met with strong demand. A few plainer feeding sorts harder to place, reflected in the averages. Top Price 200p/kg for an 87kg pig from PF+PD Parsons, Whitchurch.
Porkers harder work with mainly plainer types on offer. Top price 70p/kg for 68kg coloured pigs from S Foxley, Wolverhampton, who had others to 70p/kg, 60p/kg & 50p/kg. J N Walker, Redditch had 70p/kg for 63kg pigs.
Cutters sold to 191p/kg twice for 83kg & 80kg pigs from J&B Fentem, Allsop en-le Dale who had others to 190p/kg, 189p/kg, and 170p/kg x2. J G Belfield, Sheen had 82kg pigs to 190p/kg and 166p/kg for 79kg pigs. A Worth, Marton saw 176p/kg for 77kg pigs.
Bacon Pigs topped at 200p/kg for an 87kg pig from PF+PD Parsons, Whitchurch, others from the same home realised 198p/kg, 197p/kg and 194p/kg for 90kg, 88kg and 90kg pigs. G H Davies, Denbigh achieved 194p/kg for 87kg pigs. P J Bowers, Mow Cop had 93kg pigs realise 191p/kg. Numerous pens 185p/kg+
Heavy pigs topped at 150p/kg for 114kg pigs for G Davies, Denbigh. H Kelsall, Wilmslow had a 131kg pig releasing 140p/kg and 124kg to 120p/kg.
Two clean gilts at 60p/kg for a 200kg & 215kg clean gilts from PJ Saunders, Litchfield.
Sows were a struggle this week topping at 40p/kg for a 230kg sow from G Davies, Denbigh. PJ Saunders, Litchfield saw 40p/kg twice for 287 and 278kg sows. PF+PD Parsons, Whitchurch also had 40p/kg for a 217kg sow.
Two Cull boars sold to 34p/kg for a 212kg boar from PJ Saunders, Litchfield and 20p/kg for a 280kg boar from G Davies, Denbigh.
Pig Averages.
Porkers (22); av 59.73p/kg or £39.50/head
Cutting Pigs (41); av 166.9p/kg or £134.86/head
Bacon Pigs (53); av 169.0p/kg or £154.81/head
Heavy Pigs (6); av 129.2p/kg or £149.82/head
Cull Sows (5); av 38.00p/kg or £97.04/head
Cull Boars (2) av 26.03p/kg or £64.04/head
Selling time 11:00am
Auctioneer – Robert Watkins (07929 946652)
HOGGETS (825);
A strong entry met with a strong trade, in line with national trends and the previous days trading. To be fair, there was a higher proportion of leaner under finished hoggs forward, which were all sold, but had an impact on the average.
Big sorts still adding up to £140/head, and best shaped meated hoggs 260p/kg-275p/kg.
Overall Average 224p/kg
Sample Prices:
275p 37.8kg RS Bailey, Cloudside
261p 38.9kg SJ Pace & Co, Congleton
250p 37.9kg Messers Greasley, Kedleston
266p 42.7kg AJ Gilman, Elkstones
264p 43.0kg SJ Kirkham, Buxton
261p 40.6kg J Gilman, Bosley
265p 46.0kg RS Bailey, Cloudside
260p 46.8kg KW&AM Minshull, Bosley
252p 50.0kg SJ Kirkham, Buxton
224p 61.0kg H White, Snelston
220p 54.0kg J Gilman, Bosley
Another Strong entry selling to £170 for best continental ewes from Ben Vernon, Marston, with heavy ewes generally £130 plus. Mules a similar trade with the very best around £100, but meated sorts generally £75-£85.
Overall average: £89.50
CALVES (74);
Selling time – 10:00am
Auctioneer – Oliver Hiles (07801 530899)
A very short day in the calf shed but a remarkable trade throughout.
20 Continental Bulls
A solid price for the bulls, with the early spring rearing men starting to appear and wanting good rearers. The four best topped at £320 and up to £365 for messers Heath, Stone. Mediums £230 to £300 with a few smaller under £200.
12 Blues av. £265 to £365 HW Heath + Son
6 Sims av. £171 to £265 DG + JA Ball
3 Lim av. £274 to £300 GR Spink
24 Continental Heifers
Just like the bulls and possibly better sold. Simmentals on the day at £295 from MN Bailey. With the top 6 over £235. Mediums £170 to £200 with a few smalls under £150.
14 Blues av. £174 to £270 AJ+T Myatt
6 Sims av. £235 to £295 MN Bailey
3 Lim av. £164 to £180 JC + D Hudson
20 Natives
Always good to sell at Leek.
4 Hereford bulls av. £129 to £200 Rowland Partners
4 Aberdeen Angus av. £161 to £218 PE Holmes + Son
2 Hereford to £86 Rowland Partners
2 Aberdeen Angus to £218 PE Holmes + Son
10 Black and White Bulls
Stronger money, Friesians to £96, heifers to £78 and a Monty to £135
Catalogued Sale of Store & Breeding Sheep
Including In-Lamb Sheep
Entries Close Friday 3rd February
Sale of Store & Breeding Pigs – 10.30am
Sale of Store & Breeding Goats – 11am
Sale of Store & Breeding Cattle
Entries Close Friday 10th February